Tooth occlusion is the way your teeth position themselves in your upper jaw and align themselves below the lower jaw when you shut your mouth or when chewing food. An overbite is the positioning of teeth at the front side of your front teeth' bottom. An overbite is named as one of the gaps between the lower and upper teeth is above 2mm. as you get older, the gap might continue to increase as you mature and become old. Shifting and moving of teeth can continue to occur if an individual does not start orthodontist visits early enough.
An Increased Overbite Cause Clinical and Aesthetic Issues With An Increasing Age
As the years go by, it is likely that an untreated overbite worsens. The upper teeth will fully cover the lower teeth if an overbite is untreated. This is what makes the upper teeth look longer or more prominent. The lower face or chin appears to be disproportionate or shorter to the upper face. Also, most adults are affected by this problem because their lower chin doesn't grow in the same line as the teeth on the upper side.
An untreated Overbite can lead to serious Gum Damage with Time As You Age
If an overbite is not treated at an early age, it continues to worsen and can lead to gum damage. In fact, this is one cause of gum disease if it goes untreated as you age. Your dentist might treat gum disease, but if you still have an underlying overbite as you grow old, it could cause problems with your gum. Severe gum damage is something that is irreversible. Also, gum disease is one condition that can cause harm and pain to your teeth. If you continue aging without getting it treated, you might form other serious chronic conditions such as heart disease. In fact, this is the reason most elderly people are found to suffer from a heart condition.
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