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Do Kids Grind Their Teeth?
Tulsa, OK

Posted on 8/21/2023 by Dr. VanBrunt
Image of a woman grinding her teeth, at Smiles of Tulsa in Tulsa, OK.Teeth grinding is a common dental disease among children. Your child may be grinding their teeth unaware. The condition happens during the night while your kid is asleep. Particularly, teeth grinding or bruxism can occur in children when young but outgrow it at the age of 6 to 12. However, the problem can progress, leading to other oral problems. For this reason, it's essential to consider a dental checkup when you notice your kid is grinding their teeth. Keep reading to learn why bruxism occurs and what to do.

What Causes Teeth Grinding In Kids?

While no one knows the exact cause, grinding can occur due to several factors. The issue can relate to psychological causes such as stress and anxiety. Another cause can be family history though there is no clarity on whether it is due to upbringing or genetic issues. Environmental issues can also trigger teeth grinding.

How Can You Know Your Kid Is Having Teeth Grinding?

Your kid might be having bruxism without knowing. However, several signs can help you know your kid is grinding their teeth at night. The first sign is tooth damage. Your kid is likely to have dental fractures, receding gums, and wearing out teeth. Sensitivity to cold or hot drinks and food is another indicator of bruxism. Headaches or jaw pain can also be a sign of this problem. The pain and ache occur due to regular pressure from the clenched teeth. The most noticeable sign is the grinding sounds. During the night, you can observe your child and check for a grinding noise. You should not disturb or wake them.

When you notice your kid has teeth-grinding issues, you can consider approaches. Some of the effective ways include stopping them from chewing gums, reducing stress and anxiety, and considering facial relaxation tactics. Importantly, consider seeking dental advice for help. If your kid has a teeth-grinding problem, visit our office today for assistance from one of our professional dentists.

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