If you have a new cavity, you have a lot of company. Most adults have at least one cavity. The American Dental Association estimates that only 10 percent of all adults have no cavities at all. For the rest of us who are not cavity-free, which teeth are the most prone to cavities, and how can you reduce your chances of getting a cavity? Here are some guidelines.
Where Do Cavities Happen Most Often?
If you brush your teeth twice a day, you can keep cavities away from most of your teeth, especially those teeth located at the front of your mouth. If you have cavities, you are most likely to develop cavities in your molars and premolars. Your molars and premolars are your back teeth. You have two premolars and four to six molars in each jaw. If you still have your wisdom teeth, you will have six molars, but if you have had your wisdom teeth removed, you will have four molars.
Why Are Cavities More Likely in Your Back Teeth?
There are a few reasons you may have more cavities toward the back of your mouth. Your premolars and molars are designed with ridges and flattened areas with crevices to grind your food down and aid in digestion. Because the surface of these teeth is not smooth, food particles can become trapped on the surface.
Also, the spaces in between your molars are the most difficult to floss because they are toward the back of your mouth. It can be difficult to reach those back teeth.
Cleaning the Back Teeth
If you are worried about your back teeth, there are a few steps you can take to make sure they are clean. First, be sure that you brush your back teeth thoroughly to remove food particles. Second, think about using a dental rinse or mouthwash that can help remove food particles. Third, think about switching up your flossing technique. Use a hand-held flosser or a mechanical flosser to keep your back teeth clean. That way, you know you are taking care of your molars and preventing possible cavities.
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