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Uses of Lasers in a Dental Setting

Posted on 2/25/2019 by Dr. VanBrunt
Uses of Lasers in a Dental SettingLasers are frequently used in the field of dentistry, and we believe they can improve your dental experience. By learning more about lasers and how they are used in dental settings, you'll feel more comfortable with the process.

Dental Laser Treatment

There are many ways that lasers can be used to treat every day dental problems, and we will explore your unique situation to see if you might be a candidate:

•  Gum disease. When plaque and bacteria buildup on the gums, they can become red, inflamed, and infected. Severe gum disease can also cause the gums to pull away from the teeth. A dental laser can reshape the gums, and it can also remove bacteria from under the gum line to prevent further damage.
•  Cavities. Bacteria and acid can also wear away at the enamel, causing cavities. The best treatment for a cavity is a filling in order to clean out the decayed area and fill it in. A laser can help to remove the decayed portion of the tooth, and it can also prepare the enamel to receive a filling.
•  Whitening. Drinking too much coffee, smoking, and other activities can cause your teeth to develop stains. Fortunately, there are in-office teeth whitening procedures that can help, and lasers can speed up the process. We'll place a peroxide bleaching agent onto your teeth, and then laser energy activates the solution. This makes the whitening process go even faster.
•  Lesion removal. Should we notice suspicious tissue in your mouth, we may want to remove it for a closer look. Lasers can remove tissues so that they can be biopsied to look for cancer and other signs of disease.

Lasers aren't restricted to science fiction novels, and they have an important role in the field of dentistry. If you have questions about how we use dental lasers in our practice, give us a call.

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(918) 891-3059


6565 S. Yale Ave
Tulsa, OK 74136-8327

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