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Why You Should Sleep Upright Following Oral Trauma

Posted on 12/25/2019 by Dr. VanBrunt
Why You Should Sleep Upright Following Oral TraumaWhen you have experienced oral trauma, sometimes it doesn't warrant being seen the day of the injury. This doesn't mean you may not experience pain and swelling in the meantime. When you can understand what is causing the discomfort, you will understand how to limit the pain while you wait.

Common Symptoms of Oral Trauma

The first most common symptom of oral trauma is experiencing pain. When you have cracked a tooth or some exposed nerve, it is going to be tender. Avoiding chewing on hard objects is going to help avoid sharp pain. When the evening comes, it will help to avoid sleeping horizontally. Your blood pressure will lead to pain. You can limit the amount of pressure on your teeth by sleeping upright. Propping your head up above the rest of your body will allow the blood pressure to stay below your mouth.

You can take things one step further by applying an ice-cold compress to the outside check of the offending tooth. Never put ice in your mouth, accidentally biting it can hurt and cause more damage. If the pain is still intense, an age-old cure is applying some cloves to the offending tooth. Its natural numbing ingredients should help.

Other Reasons for Sleeping Elevated

There are other reasons to sleep with your head elevated. If you recently have had wisdom teeth removed, or a tooth pulled. Staying elevated will help the empty socket from started to bleed again. If you have a toothache, sleeping with your head elevated can also reduce the pressure on the sensitive tooth.

It's very common for individuals to struggle to fall asleep, this is because when they lay down it hurts. When they stand, the pain goes away. The relief from pain is due to a drop in the blood pressure in your head. We understand that experience dental trauma and trying to sleep can be quite frustrating. We hope these tips will allow you to get some rest. For further questions or more information. Please contact us today. 

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