Why Dental Abscesses Are So Incredibly Dangerous to Have
Posted on 9/21/2020 by Dr. VanBrunt
Dental abscesses are painful pockets filled with pus. These are typically caused by bacterial infection and can lead to symptoms such as severe pain, swelling, fever, and difficulty chewing, breathing, and speaking. Dental abscesses can only be treated by a dental professional and should be done so immediately. Call us as soon as you develop any symptoms of a dental abscess so that we can treat before your condition worsens. Dental abscesses, left untreated, are very dangerous because the infection can spread throughout the body and lead to bone loss as well.
There is already presence of infection in a dental abscess. However, this can drastically worsen if left untreated. Infection is going to cause more severe symptoms that are incredibly difficult to manage. Infection can also lead to permanent damage in the mouth. Bacteria from the infection can easily get into the bloodstream and migrate to other parts of the body. When this happens, the bacteria can seriously damage your organs, causing long term damage. Some conditions associated with dental abscesses and infection include cardiovascular disease, respiratory infection, diabetes, kidney disease, and various types of cancer.
Bone Loss
Even if you do not experience any other health complications from the spread of infection, you could still have irreparable damage to your teeth and jaw. If the abscess causes a serious enough infection, the tooth could start to decay. In order to maintain your oral health, our dentist may need to extract the tooth. In addition, untreated infection can spread to the bones in your facial structure, causing them to become weak or even decay. This means that you would be more susceptible to injuries and may even lose part of this bone structure. This also causes difficulty with chewing, speaking, and other routine activities.
Call us for more information about dental abscesses. We are always here to help.
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